Club Outing - We’re off to the seaside!

Photo from Meandering Wild - A Guide to Dungeness

Well the next club outing is happening tomorrow. We are off to Dungeness to do some camera things in amongst the boats, shingle, crabs and wet stuff. Looking forward to see what that brings so keep an eye on the page to see the results!

Update - The morning of the trip arrives having had a huge storm the night before so it didn’t bode well! However the weather was relatively clear by 10am so the 70 min trek to the ends of the earth was made! For those not familiar with Dungeness, the Mad Max visits the Kent coast vibe probably best describes the scenery.

Some of the members did the early shift and arrived by 11am (one member bringing their dog who wasn’t happy with the nasty large stones on the beach hurting their paws). Photos to follow !!

Julie (and Hector) doing their thing.


Competition Time! Round 3 of both Colour and Mono Prints. Two for the price of one !!


BHPS Member shortlisted in British Photography Awards